Samantha & Zack

Samantha & Zack

Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.Romans 12:1

Thursday, May 20, 2010

6 Years and still counting!

Tomorrow will be 6 years since Love and I went on our very first date! 
Most of you have heard the story but I love telling it so I will give the short version....
Zack and I decided finally after fighting our feelings for awhile it was time to come out of the closet and go on an official first date! haha I was so excited when he asked me to go! Leigh helped me get ready!!
 I wore a white American Eagle skirt, a bright green tank top, and matching green sequined shoes! 
I still have the outfit by the way! I just can't get rid of it! 
Leigh let us drive her brand new mustang to LaGrange. We ate pizza by candle light at Pizza Villa.....well Zack ate! I was so nervous my salad wouldn't even stay on fork because I was shaking so bad. I didn't eat a bite. (Needless to say I got over the not eating on dates with Love)
 It was such a sweet night that I will never forget! 

We have shared so many memories over the past six years..........
*tailgating on the plains with wonderful friends - Zack always just wants everyone to have a good time. 
*concerts - He is always up for another one of my adventures. 
*holidays and birthdays - We love spending time with our families during special holidays and LOVE celebrating birthdays! We do it big!! 
*sweet Valentine's Days - He always surprises me with something so sweet and from the heart. I love his love notes! 
*beauty pageants, dance recitals, proms and graduations - He is a trooper! He stuck by me through all my high school stuff and supported anything I ever wanted to do! He was there to hear my Valedictorian speech and almost knocked Mom out of her chair because he was so nervous for me! 
*hunting and four-wheeler riding - I killed my first buck with Love! He was so proud of me and excited. We love being outside and spending time with friends on four-wheeler rides and river trips! 
*traveling - fun mountain and beach trips - There is nothing better than a road trip with Zack. I love long drives where we can just talk and sing and laugh!! 
*fun at the farm - I love being at the farm and watching him do what he loves the most at a place that is so special! 
*Auburn life - He does his share of driving to visit me. We both enjoy shopping and going out to eat together here! 
*Small town life in Wadley- It is our home and we love it! The simple life is how we like it! 
We have supported each other alot too.......
*nursing school - I couldn't have made it this far without Zack's love and encouragement. He has handled my stress and breakdowns pretty well!! :) 
*jobs - From my part time jobs to Zack changing jobs we have hung in there and supported each other! 
*family life - We have experienced some happy as well as sad times over the past 6 years. I will always know that with Zack I can laugh with him and cry with him.

Only 211 days to go until I am officially Mrs. Zack Baggett!! 
It is a day we have both anticipated for long time and both knew 6 years ago that the day would come!! 
I always knew he was really special..I knew I loved him a whole bunch..Now he is my very best friend! 
I love you Zack!! HAPPY 6 YEARS!!
 I can't wait for many many more and a lifetime full of memories!! 

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