Samantha & Zack

Samantha & Zack

Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.Romans 12:1

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Overwhelming love...

Dear my sweet Blakely,
 Honey must first apologize for getting way behind on my letters. I really have just been trying to finish up this semester of school and nothing about that has been worth telling you about! The light is getting brighter at the end of my academic tunnel however! This week I have 2 more clinical days and then I am off to Wadley to spend time with our amazing family over Thanksgiving break!!
It seems that I have been using the adjective overwhelmed a whole bunch lately....well I guess it is because in so many ways I am just overwhelmed. Mostly with joy and excitement!!

Today I got to go with you Mommy to your check up!! Dr.Golden is so funny and told us you were right on track!! Your heart is strong and fast!! He said "sounds like a girl"!! Your mommy is doing wonderful and looks amazing!! She gained 4 pounds this month!! Well I say "she did"...I really think you did though because she only has what looks like a tiny basketball under her outfits so I know all these "pounds" are going straight to you!! Which is wonderful because we want you to be healthy and strong.
You mom also told me about a dream she had this past week.....She dreamed you were on your way and the whole family had gone to the National Championship game!! haha  
I know it was not a funny dream to her, it was actually more like a nightmare! 
I have been a little anxious about your arrival but I know that God has your birthday planned perfectly. He has given me a peace about that day. 
Whenever it is, HE has it planned and it will be wonderful!! He also will let Honey be there!! Now He is humorous at times so I am not going to bank on me not freaking out on the day of your big arrival but I know He will let me be there. 

Your Mom and I haven't talked much about your birthday yet....I am not sure if I am going to be in the room or not yet. You know Honey would love to be all up in the middle of your Mommy and Daddy. I have pretty much been their shadow I feel like throughout this whole process. Either way though, I will either be seeing you first thing in the delivery room or you better bet your first diaper that I will be the FIRST one knocking on your nursery window!! I will also make sure ZB is VERY VERY close by!! :) YAY!! I am just so excited!!

After her appointment we enjoyed a delicious meal at Olive Garden!! We both had cappuccinos, bread sticks, salad, and entrees!! We both also cleaned our plates!! When I am with you Mom I just think I should clean my plate too so she won't feel so bad about cleaning hers for you!! haha OR at least that is what I am telling myself!! :)

The title of this post is exactly what describes the feeling I have when I think of you.....overwhelming love!! You will never know how much I truly love you. I really can't believe how much I love you already and we haven't even officially met. That kind of love is honestly just a blessing from God.
I was so surprised when I heard you were on you way and honestly didn't know how I felt about your little surprise at first. All I knew was that your Mommy was my very best friend in the whole world and I loved her......I just didn't realize how much I was going to love you. God has overwhelmed me with this overwhelming love that I have for you already!! You have already been such a blessing in my life and taught Honey so much! God used you to teach Honey a lot about herself and He also used you to bring Honey closer to Him.
Over the past few months I have realized that I am a pretty yucky person without Jesus but He can make us who we are suppose to be. I am thankful for His amazing love, grace, mercy and forgiveness. Without Him Honey is nothing but with Him.....well I just think He is going to allow me to be the BEST AUNT in the entire world..I just got to stick by Him!
So this letter is just a thank you for already being such a blessing in my life!!
My prayer now is for you to get here safe and healthy. My prayer after you arrive will be that you will know this amazing friend I have named Jesus and that He will also fill your heart with this overwhelming love. I pray that Honey & ZB will be examples for you and hold your little hands through your walk with Him. I pray that He will use us to help you like He used you to help me. I know He has big plans for you....and I will be your BIGGEST CHEERLEADER!!
I love you!!
Love always, Honey  1 Samuel 1:27

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