Samantha & Zack

Samantha & Zack

Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.Romans 12:1

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Monday again...

Well the weekend is almost over... nothing too eventful went on the past few days! I enjoyed watching Trey and Taylor play basketball, got a little studying done, ate dinner with the Allen's last night, church and then our monthly ALL AFTERNOON Wal-Mart trip!
Needless to say, we still haven't met Blakely. Her due date is this Saturday the 22nd! Hopefully I will be updating you all very soon that we are on our way to the hospital and all the fun and exciting moments that are going to go along with that!!! :)
Please continue to pray for Leigh...she is well....9 months prego, 30 plus pounds heavier and SO READY to meet her little girl. (some of you know the feeling and know that she really needs you prayers)
Pray for Matthew.....I must give credit where it is due!! He is and always has been so good to Leigh but i must say he has been very good throughout her pregnancy especially the past month. He still need our prayers though because I mean....he is living with the 9 month prego, 30 plus pounds heavier, anxious woman!!! It gets crazy at times!!
Please pray for Blakely.... Pray for a safe arrival into this big world. Pray that she will instantly feel loved. Pray that she ADORES her Honey!! (haha just kidding but no really DO IT)

I hope you all have a wonderful week!! Thanks for all your sweet notes, texts, calls and especially your prayers!
I am so blessed to have you all as friends. God is sooooo good!!
One of my favorite verses....Psalm 100:4-5 "Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations."
My prayer for myself is that everyday I will praise and thank Him no matter how "yucky" the day or "sticky" the situation because HE IS GOOD SO GOOD!! I am thankful for His unending love and forgiveness. Thankful for His promises and His faithfulness to me, my family and generations to come. What comfort and hope we can find in this verse! Hope it speaks to you this week like it does me!!
Love you all, Honey

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