Samantha & Zack

Samantha & Zack

Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.Romans 12:1

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Looking back...

I'm not sure why Facebook sometimes on the left upper corner has "old status updates"...but anyway, they are really random and usually I don't pay that much attention to them because I's OLD news that I have already read at some point. However, tonight this one caught my eye and made me smile and of course took me back.......

has a new SISTER!!!!!!!!!!! HALLELUJAH!!
 ·  · December 19, 2009 at 2:25pm ·

This was posted right after she arrived in Gatlinburg almost two years ago and I surprised her with the news of our engagement. 
I decided tonight to look back at my blog and see what I was doing this time last year...... I had a post from exactly one year ago today!!! The post made me smile and kinda giggle to myself!! Man, I couldn't have made it with God, so many prayers and love/support from friends and family!! It was such a busy but yet joyful time and I am so very thankful to God for helping me hold it together and enjoy every minute of it.
Thank you Lord for blessing me throughout my journey through nursing school and also blessing our year of engagement. I will forever look back and remember your faithfulness.


BUSY November...

I want to apologize in advance for being crazy, moody, unsociable and not blogging this month. When I look at my planner I absolutely get nauseous!! This month is packed full but when I make it through it I am going to be a free woman!!!! So WARNING.....WATCH OUT!!

I can't describe in words the excitement, joy, overwhelming emotions, and anxiousness I have when I think about December 18!!! Zack and I are still on cloud nine and can't wait for our big day!! The closer it gets the more excited I get!!! Thanks to all of you who made this past year of our engagement so amazing!! It was such a special year that we will never forget!!! I hope that all of you can come to the wedding!! Oh how I can't wait to walk down that aisle!!!
I really really can't wait to be lying on the beaches of Jamaica..........I pray I have so much fun I will be tempted just to stay and send postcards to all of you that we have decided to stay for awhile!!

This weekend is Blakely's first baby shower!! I am beyond excited about spoiling this little girl!! I know I can't even imagine the emotions I am going to have until I hold her but I already realize that I am going to fall in love in a whole new way than I ever have before.......I am pretty sure Blakely already has her Honey wrapped around her tiny long fingers!

I will try to take time to post pictures from the shower and any other major happening throughout the month but you might not get my usual deep reflection or crazy emotional breakdowns with the pictures. I am for the most part going to try and be a big girl this month....I have told myself that there is no time for emotional breakdowns......

This might be an awful plan that I will be holding everything in this month of November to build up for one of the biggest months of my life....DECEMBER 2010.
O well!!! You all just pray for me!!
Pray for:
*nursing school (me and my classmates) not for A's just that we clearly understand our material and perform to the best of our ability...passing the semester would be nice though!! :)
*me as i try and focus more on school and control my emotions until after all these tests and then absolutely let my excitement explode about this WEDDING!
*me & Zack as we continue to prepare for our big day, pray that we will be so humbled and be a blessing to each other, other people, and remain in His will.
*Leigh & Matthew as they prepare to meet their little girl and become parents
*Leigh & Blakely's health, Leigh's emotions, and Blakely's arrival into this world
*Blakely's patience and cooperation to wait until her Honey & ZB are home from their Honeymoon before she makes her grand appearance!!! :) haha   but if all fails with the last prayer...just pray that ZB finds Honey a flight home in time and that we don't kill each other or get a divorce trying to get back to the states!!

Thank you all for reading about the crazy but joyful events in my life that I consider BLESSINGS!!
I love you all!!!

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