Samantha & Zack

Samantha & Zack

Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.Romans 12:1

Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Reflecting today on things I am thankful for like a Heavenly Father, family, friends, faith, freedom, farm life, my farmer and fresh seafood from the Gulf on the back porch! (No particular order for the moment!) Happy Memorial Day from The Baggett Fam!
Theologian John Oswalt defines the Hebrew word Hesed as "...a completely undeserved kindness or generosity." The kind of word that gives love legs. Action. Motion. Turns a noun into a verb.
My auto correct always wants to change love to live. I like it. Especially on this Memorial Day. I'm reminded of those who died so I could live.
In freedom.
To sit on the porch at the farm, watching the fish fly out of the water like Esther Williams in Million Dollar Mermaid. Listen to woodpeckers and tiny birds whose breed (do birds have breeds?) I don't know but marvel at the sounds.
To love a God who knows all about sacrifice. Especially the kind cloaked in Hesed.
Can we change love to live today in honor of those who died for the right?
Happy Memorial Day. God bless you and God bless the USA.



Words can't describe how thankful I was to live out a dream I've had for many years. To "sit a spell" on my farm porch with an indescribable lady whom I admire and love so much. Tonight it happened and I soaked up the moments she talked about from time past. We talked about her Bob. I listened closely as she described Skeet...."Bob loved his family. He was a hard worker but enjoyed being with us." Then she paused..."I loved him." Yes, I understand all that sweet grandmother. That fine boy to your right, who you and Skeet help raise.....he loves his family and enjoys being with us but he is a hard worker. Most importantly though...I love him. Thanks for leading and leaving a beautiful legacy for us to strive for daily. I will never measure even close to you but oh how I will love big because of how you always encourage us to!
A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold. Proverbs 22:1

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