Samantha & Zack

Samantha & Zack

Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.Romans 12:1

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Happy 20 YEARS!

Mom and I went on our annual Six Flags adventure for my birthday yesterday! We always have so much fun being together. I love how my mom is my best friend and how I can talk to her about anything and everything because no matter what she loves me just the same!! She is a great mom. I hope that I can be half the mom she has been to me! After we got home and showered, Dad took us out for a yummy birthday dinner. Love came too and brought me a sweet card full of good green stuff! We had a blast yesterday but we did decide that we have outgrown Six Flags and next year's birthday adventure must include MASSAGES AND MARTINIS!! :)
Well I have been a little depressed about my birthday.....I know that sounds so crazy!!! I just can't believe how fast 20 years went by and how much has happened!!! My first 20 years were really fun but also full of lessons that I feel like because of my type A personality, hard head, and OCD...I probably learned most of them the hard way! My first 5 years were spent with alot of family time and dragging Trey around. In elementary school I was spoiled by all my teachers and loved being a little priss pot!! ALL INVOLVED is an understatement when describing my high school years! I was apart of every club, organization, sports and more. I loved my time cheering on the Bulldogs!! I was passionate about some Wadley Football and loved my boys!!! I had many good friends who I loved having a good time with! I hung out with the older kids on weekends......I had just as much fun ridin' dirt roads as I did on beach trips!! I graduated Valedictorian of my Senior class...that was a goal I fought for throughout 6 years! I also dual enrolled at Southern Union my 10th-12th grade year at night and in the summer time!! I was active in the youth group at church where I enjoyed everything from retreats to mission trips in Guatemala and Venezuela!! WHOO I am getting tired now just thinking about what a BUSY BODY I was!!
God blessed my first 20 years BEYOND MEASURE!!!!
I have been there to see little miracles come into the world as well watch loved ones go home. I have reached goals and not met others. I have done well in some areas and had to ask for forgiveness in others.....
I met the love of my life during those first 20 years and he became my best friend. We have changed alot over the years but love each other more every year! I am so thankful for the family God blessed me with! They are my rocks!! God also blessed me with TONS of amazing friends who love, support, and help me all the time!!

Most importantly I asked Jesus to be Lord and Savior of my life during those first 20 years. He has graciously held me through each year even when I didn't deserve it. My prayer is that in my next 20 years I will be more like Him. I pray that He will help me see situations and people the way He sees them. I pray that I will be a the wife, daughter, sister, niece, and friend that He has called me to be. I pray that I will lean on Him every second of everyday.
I am thankful for the blessed first 20 years of my life.......God gave me the life of a princess and I am so undeserving but very grateful!!

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