Samantha & Zack

Samantha & Zack

Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.Romans 12:1

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Our new ADDITIONS....

Any of you who know me very well know that you would not describe me as a "dog lover" or any kind of animal lover really......I am pretty sure I got that gene from my grandmother but it is just one of those things I can't help! However in 2006 my heart melted when Zack surprised me with a four legged friend we named Julianna Kathrine Baggett (KATIE). I have NEVER loved a dog but I really fell in love with Katie. I did things with and for her I would have never dreamed I would have done. Katie was such a sweet and special part of mine and Zack's lives for 3 years............
Katie after playing in the pond!
For awhile after Katie was gone I just really did not want to get back in the dog business...I just hated getting so attached and I knew we would never replace her. I also didn't think I could love another dog like I did her. 
She was just really special! 
Well Zack has made me eat my words once again! This week he surprised me with not ONE but TWO little girls whom I have grown to LOVE this week!!! 
They just light up Zack's life so I am happy to announce that our little family has grown.......



Addie and Anna had a fun first week at their new home with their new mom and dad!
We started the week off by getting what I like to call their very first

I also tried to teach the girls how to lay out all day.........
They slept under my chair ALL DAY! 
The girls also made their first road trip to Lake Martin! 

They insisted on riding in my lap...I don't blame them!
 Their dad is a crazy driver! He scares us!!

Their cousin Bella was also big fun to play with!!! 

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