Samantha & Zack

Samantha & Zack

Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.Romans 12:1

Friday, August 13, 2010

17 Weeks!

Hey sweet boy or girl!
We are so ready to find out what you are.....I can't believe you are growing so much and already 17 weeks old!! Honey went with your mommy and daddy to your doctors appointment on Tuesday and I got to hear your little heartbeat! It is strong and Dr.Golden says you are right on track! Your mommy had gained weight this time so that made us SO excited because we know that means you are growing like you are suppose to!! Your mommy has to go back on August 25 to have her ultrasound!! I can't wait! Honey will be back in school by then but you better believe I will have my phone in hand waiting on her to call me after two o'clock!!
Monday we celebrated with your mom as she graduated from Auburn! It was so fun! We ate an amazing dinner at Arricia. She loved "our present" that you sent her! I wrote her a note from you that thanked her for working so hard the past few months even when she was so sick to make it through her last semester strong and take care of you all at the same time!! Graduating from Auburn and growing a baby all at the same time could have been pretty tough but your mom finished strong!! We also gave her an Auburn burp cloth and Auburn booties for you to sport at games to come!!
I have spent this week out of school being as lazy as possible!! I have enjoyed spending time with your is making Honey so pumped!! We are going to have so much fun living in Wadley together in only 4 short months! This week your mom and I have enjoyed watching movies, eating out, and wedding planning!!
This weekend Honey is going to go to a wedding and then enjoy a little more relaxing with ZB and friends. On Sunday I have a "Bed & Bath Shower"! I have had so much fun at all of my showers so far! We are very blessed with such sweet friends who are making this time in Honey and ZB's life so SPECIAL! I am taking TONS of pictures and notes that I will show you when you are older!!
Well I really need to get out of my pjs and do something productive today!!
Love always, Honey  1 Samuel 1:27

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