Samantha & Zack

Samantha & Zack

Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.Romans 12:1

Friday, September 24, 2010


Happy 24 Weeks Ava Blakely!!
I just got off the phone with your mom and she said you 24 week appointment this morning was perfect!! Dr.Golden says you are right on track and that your mommy is doing great!! I have spent the week in my pjs but on the road to recovery. I am feeling much better and excited about the Wadley/Woodland game tonight! I will cheer on your Uncle Trey for you!! Your mommy is coming to sit on the hill with me tonight. I have some make up work to do this weekend so I will be busy in the books!! I think your mommy and daddy are going to take you to the Auburn game tomorrow night though!
This has been an exciting week for ZB and Honey. Our furniture was delivered to our new house yesterday and we have picked out paint and flooring!! I can't wait for you to come and stay with us!!
Our friends, Adam and Elena, had their sweet baby girl Reese this week! I know you two will be friends and love to play together!! Well I really don't have any more news.... I have been out of the loop from being sick! I will catch you up on everyone next week though!!
Love always, Honey   1 Samuel 1:27

If we could find one of these contests your mommy would definitely be the QUEEN!! She would be the one in the two piece with heels but she would completely show up the girl in the cartoon!!! :)

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