Samantha & Zack

Samantha & Zack

Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.Romans 12:1

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Putting on my big girl panties...

Just thought I would share a few of my "big girl" activities that have occurred over the past few weeks!

Last week I went and talked with my Senior advisor about my preceptorship. 
I even talked with the unit manager at the hospital that I hope to precept at 
this spring!! I can't believe this is my last semester and I will graduate from
Auburn University in 244 days with my Bachelors of Nursing!! 
I also can't believe that in less that 9 months I will hopefully 
be a real nurse at a real hospital in the real world!! WOW!

Zack and I are enjoying every minute of our engagement 
but we both can't wait for December to be here!!
About 2 weeks ago Love took me shopping and let me pick out 
my gorgeous wedding band! Since he picked out my ring all 
by himself, he let me pick out the wedding bands!
I can't wait to place rings on each other's fingers and promise each other
a lifetime of love in only 102 days!!!

 I went to Wal-Mart this afternoon and brought home what looks
like one-thousand paint swatches!!
I used to pick out only the hot pinks and brightest colors
I could find....this trip I found myself looking for more 
"grown up" & "married couple" colors!! 
Zack and I will begin working on our house this month!!
We are so in love with "our first house"! 
I promise to take many pictures and update you all on our progress!! 
I am so thankful and grateful to our Heavenly Father who has 
so richly blessed us with so many blessings! 
This house just fell into our laps and is just perfect!!
We are so excited and can't wait to see what God has in store!! 

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