Samantha & Zack

Samantha & Zack

Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.Romans 12:1

Monday, October 25, 2010

A New Chapter...

Saturday was the official move for Zack! 
We worked all day moving all of his stuff, cleaning and organizing!
It was such a fun and exciting day.
I choked back a few tears when we loaded the last few 
boxes at the Frost Place. 
Many memories have been made there the past five years.
We have several visitors this weekend. Everyone is just so excited about
us being at home together soon and having such a perfect first house.
We are so blessed and thankful!!! 

My parents, Granny and Aunt Mollie came by and stayed all day
Saturday to help me. I couldn't have gotten it all done without them.
My dad worked so hard all weekend to make everything so perfect!! 
He hung shelves in all my closets to expand the room in each of them
 and then hung shelves in my laundry room.
He also worked all day on Sunday in my flower beds. 
He trimmed shrubbery and filled the beds with new pine-straw.
He is great with yard work and landscaping.
 It looks much like a home now......
Aunt Mollie and I have had so much fun spending time 
together this week and making my house look like a home!!

Sunday we enjoyed a great church service and 
last night was our last pre-marriage counseling session!!
That must mean we are getting really close!!!
I have enjoyed our sessions so much. 
They have really been so great for us! 
I wish we could continue to have them at least once a month!! haha

After our session, before I headed back to Auburn for the week
we had our first dinner together in our new home.....
Zack said "Let's eat together at the table."
I said "Okay! Let's eat off our new china."
So thanks to Stephen's Station we had an amazing romantic 
first dinner in our first new home!!! :)
Subs & BBQ (what else could you ask for)
We are so thankful for this perfect home 
that we have been so richly blessed with.....
Thanks to all of you who have helped us along the way!!
We couldn't have done it without you!! 
Please pray for us over the next few weeks and throughout 
our marriage.
We are so excited about this time and want give all the glory to our Heavenly Father! 
We love you all!!!
I love you Zack and I can't wait to be your wife!!!

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