Samantha & Zack

Samantha & Zack

Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.Romans 12:1

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Remembering when with you....

 I know you read this every once in awhile to keep up with me! I can't believe we are one month away from being husband and wife! We never thought the day would finally get here but now that it is here it seemed like it got here so fast!! I am so very thankful for you and can't wait to walk down the aisle to you on the 18th. On the way home from Montgomery tonight I heard this song, thought of us, and yes CRIED and CRIED some more!! I am on CLOUD NINE AND CAN'T WAIT FOR DEC 18!!!
~I remember~......
being in high school and thinking you were so cute and too funny
walking back to class from break on the sidewalk with you
talking to you at your locker and feeling so cool
loving watching you play sports
knowing on that first beach trip to PC that you were someone special to me
flirting constantly from that point on
sneaking our FIRST kiss! :)
shaking to death on our first date at Pizza Villa
smiling at each other for no reason at all
hearing you tell me you loved me for the first time
having a blast on many beach and mountain trips
cheering for our favorite sports teams together
fighting with you
realizing that we were fighting over something crazy
realizing through many stupid fights that we loved each other warts and all
making up
killing my first buck and you being so proud
driving my car together when I turned 16
moving away from each other
being so homesick
going on many dates in Auburn
anticipating the day you would ask me to be your wife.....
I can't believe that almost a year ago, we were in the very SNOWY SMOKIES and well everyone has heard the story by now.... but I must say it was a perfect day!! I remember every moment like it was yesterday...
Thank you for loving me the way you do. After almost 7 years, I still get that same "silly, butterflies in my stomach feeling" when I'm with you!!
 I am so thankful that you are in my life and I can't wait to be happily ever after with you forever......I can't wait to make many more "remember when" moments with you!!

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