Samantha & Zack

Samantha & Zack

Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.Romans 12:1

Monday, January 3, 2011

Dear my sweet niece,

I feel like this will more than likely be the last letter to you before you make your grand arrival. Which by the way...we all are SO READY FOR!! Your mommy and I had a girl's trip to Auburn today. We stopped by your Aunt Mindee's house and picked up the GORGEOUS canvas painting that she painted for your nursery!! It is absolutely are just going to love your room! I must get back over there and take some pictures and post for the blog world to see! Your mommy is beyond ready for you to be here! She has gained 31 pounds and she says she feels like she is about to explode!!
I am so proud of her!! She has done so well taking care of herself and you the past nine months!! She loves you more than you will ever know!!
Throughout the last nine months we have made many fun memories!! I just thought I would recap a few of them........besides MANY "big eatins" as your daddy would say we also........

Went to the beach the week of July 4th! We just thought your mommy had a tiny baby bump then!! haha She would not even let us take a picture of her in her swimsuit because of her "bump"!

Your mommyand you helped me host a shower for Elena and Baby Reese! 
I know you two will be good friends! 

In the beginning of your growing stages, your mommy was terribly sick but she 
was very strong and did everything she was suppose to do to take care of you all
while finishing school at Auburn University with a degree in Civil Engineering. 
This picture was taken of the three of us at her graduation celebration dinner!

Honey and ZB got engaged in Dec. of 2009 and 2010 was full of showers and parties!
You and your mommy were at every one of them and stuck right beside 
Honey to make sure everything went perfectly!! 
This was us at the Bed & Bath Shower in Wedowee.
Below are the three of us on Mrs.Jan Hall's porch the day of my bridal tea.

This was you at 27 weeks!!!

100 days away from our wedding...we watched some AU football up at the Frost Place!
I surprised you, your mommy and daddy with these pretty bibs!!
I can't wait to see them on you!

Speaking of AU FOOTBALL...which you will LOVE!!!
You spent a lot of your growing time this fall on the plains or wherever else the Tigers played!!
Your mommy was a trooper!! She even went with us all to Atlanta and watched the Tigers WIN the SEC Championship and she was 8 MONTHS PREGO!! 
WHOO HOO! Can we say WAR EAGLE!!! 
She spent the whole next day in BED with swollen feet!!

I saw her EAT more the past 9 months than I have seen her eat in her whole life!! 
All for you sweet girl!!!
She loved some desserts especially cupcakes at tailgates and the lemon treats from the stadium!

Your daddy always made sure she had what she wanted!! 

The next few pictures were taken the weekend of your cousin Adam's wedding!
You had really started growing and showing yourself to us!!
Your mommy felt good and looked gorgeous as you can see!
None of her regular clothes fit anymore so we had fun shopping for pretty tops!

We had a blast at Mrs. Christy Wilson's house for your first baby shower!

Honey & ZB had another shower at their house!
SO many sweet friends came to see your mommy and daddy.

You got some awesome gifts too!!

Honey's favorite was of course....your overnight bag for ZB & Honey's house!
I pray that you BEG your mommy and daddy to use this ALL THE TIME!

Your mommy and daddy worked and sacrificed so much to make sure
ZB & Honey had a FABULOUS engagement year and AMAZING wedding!!
You and your mommy both traveled to Atlanta with all the girls the weekend
before Honey's wedding for my Bachelorette Trip!!
These are probably the only 2 pictures you can see from that trip until you are in college and
"NO! You can't go on one of these until you are 30 missy!!"

You also got to come to Honey's Bridesmaids Luncheon that was so much fun!!
We had fun dressing up and wearing pretty hats!! 


Below... the two of you at our rehearsal!
I spent the night with you mommy the night of my wedding
 just like we did the night of her and your daddy's wedding. 
The next day she stayed by my side until it was time for me to walk down the aisle!

She made sure I had everything I needed and that everything was in place and perfect!!
She had to button about 10000 buttons all the way down Honey's gown 
so Mammy helped some!


Your daddy sung our first dance song and then 
the three of you
I told you your mommy was a trooper!!
She NEVER left the dance floor....she hung in there with Honey ALL NIGHT!

Last week, we had our first official sister/brother-in-law dinner
at ZB & Honey's house!! 
It was so much fun!!
You, your mommy and I made oreo balls that were SO YUMMY!

Then this week, on New Year's Eve...we ATE AGAIN!!
Have you noticed a pattern in our eating habits!!
I am pretty sure your daddy, Honey and ZB have all gained 
some weight the past 9 months!
I guess we will all have to take turns strolling you around Wadley
 in that nice running strolling you have waiting on you!!! 
Anyway, on New Year's we ate our greens & peas plus tons of other yummy stuff!!
Your Mommy ate a little.....she actually can't eat as much as she was...
You are taking up alot of room and she just can't get it down!!
So not long after she got to Honey's house...she found her place in the recliner
and stayed stretched out there the rest of the day!!

Just a few of the pictures we have of you already!!!
Can't wait to make MANY MANY more once you are here!!


I love you sweet girl!!
God has big plans for you!!!

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