Samantha & Zack

Samantha & Zack

Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.Romans 12:1

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Living on love & cheese straws....

The sleet has been falling for about an hour in Wadley, AL! I love how everyone goes absolutely nuts around here when the least change in weather occurs. I am not saying this little storm is not a big deal but I mean....Wal-Mart in Roanoke was a MAD HOUSE yesterday!! I went to pick up some wedding photos I had printed and that is ALL I picked up!!! I got out of there as fast as I could!! At this point, a loaf of bread is hard to find in Randolph County and even "The DG", our Wadley Mall (Dollar General), was packed out today!!
Love suggested yesterday that I might need to go pick up a few things with all the other crazy people "just in case". I asked him what exactly he hand in mind for me to get and the only thing he suggested were salt and vinegar chips!
So since he didn't give me a very intensive grocery list I thought I would just pick up a couple of things at The DG and not dare fight the Wal-Mart crowd. I got the essentials and a few things that we can snack on "just in case"!

Now you are wondering about the title of this post I guess...
Zack loves cheese straws. He made the statement last week that he really wished someone would cook some. Well being the amazing wife I am....I decided to try to make him some! I have never made them before but had fun and they turned out pretty good! I am positive my second batch will be much better now that I kinda have a feel for it! Yes....I took pictures! I know I am crazy (atleast I accept and admit it) but I am just loving every minute of this "married life" thing and trying to capture every moment!! We were married 3 weeks yesterday!!! I wish I could hit pause on the big VCR of life for just a little while!! :)

I guess the whole point of this post was to say....yes, the weather man was right!!! It is yucky outside!!! Matthew and Leigh left earlier and headed to Auburn to spend the night just in case Blakely decides to make her arrival. Her Honey is just praying she waits now until all this ice/snow clears up!! In the meantime, Love and I will be living on love and heart shaped cheese straws!


  1. Don't you love getting to use your new ktichen tools!

  2. It is just so fun!! I have so many cool kitchen tools!!! :) I always feel so legit in my kitchen!! haha
