Samantha & Zack

Samantha & Zack

Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.Romans 12:1

Friday, January 14, 2011

Playing catch up...

SO I started back to school this week. I knew better than to think my LAST semester at Auburn would be easy and stress free!! Nothing and I mean nothing at that place is "easy". Then yesterday I was looking at graduate school and weighing my options.....none of those classes sounds like any FUN! Anyway, enough about the dreaded word school......I must say I am thankful that I am going to LOVE my job. Nursing was definitely my calling but the getting there is the hard part. Hard and humbling - so I must admit that nursing school has been a total blessing in more ways that one!

2010 was by far one of the most AMAZING years of my life and 2011 has continued to be pretty exciting.
I know last week I had everyone on their toes about Blakely's arrival. Well that little princess had her Honey and her Mommy on their toes too!!! I mean starting on Wednesday last week you couldn't tell us that she was not ready!! :) As you have previously read...we packed everything, finished the nursery, walked until we about killed ourselves.....I was thinking yesterday. I bet God gets so many good laughs from all of us!! Especially me! I bet Him and the angels almost wet their white robes while watching us walk up Co.Rd.153 in the pitch black FREEZING NIGHT!!
We really thought she would be here by last weekend......
Well it is Friday of the next week. I told Leigh and Matthew to WATCH OUT. She might be a little hard headed and stubborn like her Honey! Bless them if she is anything like her Honey!! The Allen family has enough on them dealing with me being their constant shadow.....what would they do with a "mini Samantha". Matthew would die! haha
Leigh did go to the doctor yesterday and she has progressed a little more but now we are just waiting and trying to not get into such a frenzy! Prayers are much appreciated! Thanks for all your calls, texts and sweet messages too!!

Randolph County pretty much completely froze over so Love and I enjoyed a weekend and a few days at the beginning of the week at home!!
My love for John Deere, cows and farm stuff began almost 7 years ago when I fell in love with my hubby! That man gets so much joy from a dirty piece of equipment and a bail of hay! I love when I have time to jump in the truck and watch him do what he loves! On our day out to the farm, I of course snapped a few pictures. They really don't do the scene was such a pretty day.

Love also had a successful week of hunting!!!

We of course LOVED CHEERING ON OUR AUBURN TIGERS MONDAY NIGHT!!! Matthew & Zack helped with some of the delicious food for out cookout!!

1 comment:

  1. I love keeping up with you on your blog :) AMAZING PICTURES! Love & miss you! Keep the updates coming!
