Samantha & Zack

Samantha & Zack

Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.Romans 12:1

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

From ball girl to "balling"!

My career as "Trey's biggest cheerleader" began way before I even thought about being a real cheerleader. Most of Trey's life younger life was spent right up under the orders of "Princess Samantha". He then grew up a little and the phrase "You are not my MAMA!" became an everyday occurrence. Now for the past several years however, we have become best friends.  

When Trey started playing Pee-Wee football, I became the water girl! I loved nothing more than putting on my Levi jeans & #12 jersey every week and being on the sidelines!! Our favorite part of these years were doing front rolls down all 100 yards of the football field after winning games and then belly busters in the mud next to the hospitality room! Our biggest concern, or I guess really our parents biggest concern was how they were going to get us home without ruining their cars! Needless to say, we were kicked to the back of the truck often. 

During our high school years I also spent my time every week on the sidelines but now I was in full uniform. Cheering for the bulldogs was one of my greatest joys!! 

After I graduated, I still loved being at Trey's games!! I went from worrying about how Dad was going to get the mud out of my jersey to what "heels and earrings" I was wearing to the Friday night game!! 
Time has changed a few things...including my little brothers weight and height....but one thing is very much the same!!! I am STILL and forever will be his biggest cheerleader. 

I am EXCITED to announce that tomorrow he will officially sign with The University of South Alabama and begin his college career there after graduation this May. He plans to major in biology and then go on to physical therapy school while playing football for the Jaguars!! 

SO yes, I went from being the ball girl to "balling" my eyes out in what seems such a short amount of time!! I can't believe in just a few months we will be helping Trey move to Mobile....what????? Trey moving, ALL ALONE, ON HIS ON.....
OKAY is time to pray!!!! I probably need the prayers more than Trey does about this whole situation but for right now we will just focus on him!! :)

Pray that..........
God will prepare Trey for this new chapter in his life.
God will prepare his coaches for this years season.
God will put Godly men in Trey's life to help and encourage him.
God will send Christian friends that Trey can relate to and hang out with.
God will allow Trey to witness to those around him.
God will remind Trey on a daily basis that He is the source of his strength and talent.
God will provide USA with better referees than what we have in Randolph County so I don't show my "Fetner temper" in Mobile by climbing the fence......haha okay you only have to pray the last one at least just once!! :) 

Trey, I am so very proud of you and excited to see how God is going to work in your life during this season and chapter in life!! Continue to give Him all the praise and glory in all that you do!! He is so good and has big plans for you!! 
I love you so much!!! 


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