Samantha & Zack

Samantha & Zack

Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.Romans 12:1

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Real life at it's finest...

At least 2 days a week I drive to Auburn for my leadership class. I decided at the beginning of this semester that this 45min drive would be a great quiet,prayer and praise time. We talked last week in Bible study last week on "praying without ceasing". We looked at it from the perspective of just staying in "prayer mode". Even God wants to hear our tiny issuses or tiny praises so i am trying to practice that more in my life. Some mornings by the time I get to AUSON I think WOW that was a long ride. My mind also goes to some weird places and some crazy "deep" thoughts come about during this ride also....this morning was so REAL LIFE!I know God gets some good laughs watching me and especially when I open my big mouth and He listens to my prayers.

I avoided stopping to get my eyebrows waxed all week. They really needed it but I decided to save my cash. Therefore, this morning the tweezers had to be put to work. I guess I was being a perfectionist and this takes some time for me anyway because of my little shaky hands!!!! Needless to say, somehow I ended up being about 20min behind my usual schedule. "Dear Lord, please keep me safe traveling this morning."

I had made it to Miltown when I realized I left my cell phone on the charger by the bed. Do you all feel as naked as I do without your phone??? There was no turning back because I was already behind schedule. So not only do I feel naked but I also remember that when I kissed Zack bye he told me to just call him at seven and wake him up....all to save him from rolling over to my side of the bed and resetting the alarm clock. "Hey Lord, will you also please miraculously wake Zack up at 7."

A couple of miles after my last prayer the taillights of the dreaded cheese wagon came into view. This is when my mind starts wondering to those crazy "deep" places. Is there a law that says bus drivers have to drive 40mph??? Yes, I totally agree they are carrying precious cargo but come on 40???? Since we were going SO SLOW for MANY miles my mind had so time to get crazier. I thought, how sometimes scary it must be to be a bus driver because of the precious cargo you are responsible for 5days a week. Then I thought, bus drivers come into contact with tons of kids over the years!! Since they have to pay attention to the can they bring the Gospel to their bus besides just being kind. PRAISE MUSIC! I thought then, if God ever calls me to be a bus driver we will for sure have revival on the way to the school house by jamming to praise music!! However, it will be a short revival because if there is a speed limit law I WILL BREAK IT!! All of you know I have a heavy right foot anyway!!

Keep in mind, we were going very SLOW for many miles. We also made a couple stops!! I wanted to crawl out my car window at one stop when a girl could hardly walk to the bus because she was to busy eating her honey bun. "Don't mind me and the line of cars behind me. We are just going on a scenic drive at 6:30am. We have no certain place to be at any certain time. God sorta tugged at my heart then. "Lord forgive me for wanting to SPANK the children getting on the school bus. I don't know what their night or morning so far has been like. However if you ever do call me to drive a bus, I will be honking the horn and yelling out the door for those kids to kick it in high gear!"

I got rid of the cheese wagon in LaFayette but that's where you meet up with the loggers..."Lord, it's me again, forgive me for getting road rage with the loggers especially since they are part of the reason I have all that I do. Thank you for providing my dad with a job that provides for our family and put me through cheering, traveling, nursing school and so much more!!"

I was still behind a log truck at Tiger's Corner when my grande pumpkin spice latte kicked in and my bladder hit extra full status!! "Lord you know how much I despise service station restrooms. Please let me make it to the school of nursing before I wet my pants!!"

......long story short, I made it to my destination before class started without wetting my pants and again learned this morning that life is just real and you have to put a small on your face and pray your way throughout it!!!! Hope you all have a great day!!


  1. I so relate to this! I have had some serious quiet time during my 45 miunte drive over the past 3 years. It is the only perk to commuting to work, well besides getting to hear Rick and Bubba. And those kids that walk so slow to the bus- they do the sme thing at school and make me soooo mad!! I have a sneaking suspision they will be the same ones we support through our tax dollars also:)

  2. TOTALLY agree with you about the phone... especially since Blake has been gone, I have been absolutely glued to mine. I'm pretty sure if he happened to call during class I would answer it anyway!! I couldn't imagine not having it all day!! And living on Donahue I definitely feel your pain on the dreaded cheese wagon/tiger transit too! I ALWAYS manage to be the car right behind them.
