Samantha & Zack

Samantha & Zack

Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.Romans 12:1

Sunday, July 10, 2011

4th of July!

Saturday morning, after Daddy's surprise party, I got up and helped Love pack for the beach! The Baggett's have been going to the beach for the week of the 4th since Zack and Leigh were babies! The tradition has continued over the years! Each year a little different! Zack and Leigh always chose a friend to take along for the week....from cousins to boyfriends to babies!! :) This year was Blakely's first beach trip!! 

Everyone hit the road without me this year!! I had to stay back and WORK!! 
After saying good-bye to Love, I hit the road to Woodland to spend some time with the family for Daddy's birthday! We enjoyed being together, shopping and eating birthday lunch! After some quality family time I headed to Sylacauga for our monthly "She-Woman Man Haters Club" meeting!! 
I had a blast with the the end of the night we were riding dirt roads!!! However, I was in the ER (not as a patient) by 7AM! I worked a full 16 hour shift before heading back to my dark empty house in Wadley!! 
I spent the next couple of days working 2nd shift in the ER and coming home alone!! Okay enough pity party!!! I totally made up for lost time when I finally arrived in PCB Tuesday night around midnight!!

This year was my 9th year on the annual Baggett 4th of July Trip!!! 

 It was a fun week! Love and I are always glad to be home though! It is amazing to get away but we are thankful that THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME!! 

Now back to reality.....I MUST stop blogging and go back to bed! 7p-7a in the ER tonight...and the 2 nights after that!! This should be an interesting week!!! I will post later in the week I'm sure about how I survive the ALL NIGHTERS! 

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