Samantha & Zack

Samantha & Zack

Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.Romans 12:1

Wednesday, August 31, 2011



I remember almost ten years ago running down the sidelines of Curtis Lynch Memorial Field wearing a red and white #12 jersey with FETNER monogrammed across the back and jeans. A ponytail with no ribbon, a football under one arm and a tray full of water bottles completed my outfit! Yes, I was the Pee-Wee Bulldogs "water girl"! No amount of sweat and dirt bothered me. I even remember after one rainy game sliding in the puddles around the school so much that we had to ride home on the back of the truck!

Even then my favorite player was the quarterback who sported the #12! I remember watching him throw perfect spirals then and thinking that he was awesome. I even remember thinking he was so strong and big....looking back at pictures I realize that maybe Mom should have had my eyes checked because Trey was a little shrimp! (Sorry Trey but you know it's true)

I got a little more conscious of "my looks" after a couple years and for at least 6 more years I was on the sidelines cheering for that same QB only now in a short skirt, ponytail with the perfect ribbon and a make-up bag with powder (for those sweaty moments)!  Trey had also "grown" a little too!!

Then for the last 3 years of my life...I have been that LOUD girl in the stands or sometimes that crazy girl climbing the fence cheering for that same quarterback. Sometimes I wore "cute" outfits with coordinating team colors but my favorite outfit was my "QUARTERBACK'S SISTER" t-shirt!  However that QB was MUCH BIGGER and he was sporting #16 and wearing orange and blue. 

Over the years our outfits, size, and colors may have changed.....but that QB's wish in his heart of the dream to play college ball never did....and TOMORROW I GET TO SEE HIS DREAM COME TRUE! 

Tomorrow I will be traveling to The University of South Alabama in Mobile, wearing red and blue, to cheer on my FAVORITE quarterback of all time who will be sporting #16! 

Trey, thank you so much for the memories! SO many of my favorite memories in my life include you on a football field. I can't believe that tomorrow I will watch your dream, running onto a college field, come true!! As always I will be the LOUDEST, MOST PUMPED girl in the stands and I am and will be praying for you............I love you!

Dear Lord,
 Thank you for your love, mercy and goodness. Thank you for blessing Trey with talent and strength to play a game that he loves. Thank you for remaining faithful and placing Trey at USA. Please continue to  show Him Your Will for his life. Humble his heart and God and open his heart and mind daily to all his many blessings. Fill Him with your presence. Please keep him safe and help him to always give You all the honor, glory and praise. Please be with him and his teammates and coaches this season. May all that He does bring glory to you......
I love you beyond words and am so very grateful to you..........

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