Samantha & Zack

Samantha & Zack

Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.Romans 12:1

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Black Beauty...

this post is LONG over do....
WE have had a new member to our home not such a new member to the family though....
Maggie has been with the Fetner's since she was a puppy. 
About 6 years ago she was Trey's baby. Then she became my parents. 
Now, she is OURS! 
I have delayed writing this post because I am EATING MY WORDS!!
I declared, not so very long ago, that the Baggett household was animal free...FOR GOOD!
Well as the story of my life goes....I learn every lesson the hard way!! 
Through this I have learned NEVER say NEVER! 

Most of you know my feelings on 4 legged friends or any other pet.......
However, I must admit that I do love Maggie.
I mean I must because I feed her everyday and clean up her surprises that 
she leaves for me everyday on her puppy pad!!!

She also sleeps with us......OKAY YES I ADMITTED IT!!!
I swore this would never happen but she wouldn't have it any other way and Zack wouldn't either! 
I have joked many mornings and nights that he loves Maggie more than me because she gets SO much more attention! 

Blakely, like her mother, also LOVES dogs! I can't hardly stand it but their is no point in trying to sway the child any other way!! 
Last night while playing in our living room floor we all really think Blakely tried to say "Maggie"! 
All I said was that if Blakely says a dogs name before she says Honey there is going to be a DEAD DOG around here......okay, I'm just kidding but REALLY!!??!! How hard is HONEY!!???!!!
We are working on it!! :) 

But without further ado......please meet our BLACK BEAUTY....

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