Samantha & Zack

Samantha & Zack

Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.Romans 12:1

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Online PJs!

I remember the day that I decided that I wanted my nieces and nephews to call me "Honey"! I was in my second to last semester of nursing school at Auburn and loving my obstetrics clinicals at EAMC! I got "Honey" from a grandmother of a precious family that I was honored to take care of during the birth of their first baby girl! '
Leigh was expecting Blakely and I couldn't wait to tell the family what my new name was going to be!!

I was so excited about being called Honey that I got a little obsessed with things with bumble know Honey & Bees??? Whatever...weird I know but anyway I did. I looked for outfits with bumble bees or anything else Blakely could use with bumble bees on it from her Honey!

I had forgotten that I ordered these PJs for her online months before she was born..... Leigh surprised me this morning by letting B where her BUMBLE BEE PJs from her HONEY! I guess I ordered them in the smallest size they had but she just now is filling them out! They say "BUZZ" across the butt and are just too cute!! :)

Blessed to "BEE" B's Honey!!!

She loves KEYS....gonna be a traveler like her Honey!! 

and also like her Honey...TALKING ON THAT PHONE!

and what do you know.....
she also LOVES jewelry....
LIKE HER HONEY MAYBE!!??!! :) hehe

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