Samantha & Zack

Samantha & Zack

Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.Romans 12:1

Friday, December 18, 2009


Love and I left Wadley about 7:30 this morning headed to Gatlinburg......Matthew, Leigh, Big Danny, and Momma Lynn were not going to be to far behind. It was pouring when we left home and rained the whole way! We stopped a couple of times and ate. We just took our time and enjoyed being together. As soon as we got to Gatlinburg those hard rain drops turned into white flakes and it looked like a Winter Wonderland. I have never been in so much snow!!! It is absolutely gorgeous here!!! Well Zack and I made it to our cabin and after a small snowball fight we waited to here from the rest of our crew! Little did we know they were all stuck on the other side of the mountain due to fallen trees and dangerous ice and snow! They closed the roads and wouldn't let them through. While all of this was happening to them...Zack and I lost power in our cabin and were having trouble driving even with four-wheel drive! I am so thankful we did not bring the Acura this year! My poor little car would have never made it!! After we heard from the rest of our group we decided to go shop a little.......we shopped, talked, and then went and enjoyed a great dinner at Olive Garden. We are back at the cabin now and we do have power!!! Praise the Lord! The rest of the group might have to stay in Cherokee tonight and drive over in the morning when the roads are better!! :( We miss you guys! Can't wait to see you all tomorrow and have a fun filled day!!! I have enjoyed every minute of just having some catch up time with just Love today! I love how he makes me laugh...... I would say after this semester it was a much needed vacation for us!!!

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