Samantha & Zack

Samantha & Zack

Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.Romans 12:1

Saturday, December 19, 2009


............. We got up early this morning and started getting ready. I of course took a lot longer than Zack did. He kept coming downstairs and seeing if I was ready yet but never said anything when he came down. I told him after about the third time that I was hurrying and I would be ready in a minute. He said "O that's fine." I thought WOW he is in a good mood since he wasn't rushing me like usual. I just thought he was being sweet and after all we were on vacation!!
When I was ready I went upstairs and he was just walking around in the living room. I was just being my normal self, organizing all my stuff and gathering everything I wanted to take with me. I told him I was ready whenever he was and he said well let me go warm up the I just waited in the living room. He came back in and just kept walking around and looking out the windows. Then he said do you think years from now you will remember this place and this weekend. I told him yeah I thought so. I reminded him of how much I scrapbook and blog too. I said we can always look back at those things and remember times like these. Then he said so you think if I asked you to marry me here you would always remember......still not expecting anything I said well yeah of course I would.....then he reached in his pocket and I saw the box!!! He said "well will you? will you marry me? will you be my wife?" I just started crying and grabbed him in a huge hug!!! I was so surprised......When I finally let go I looked at him and with tears in both of our eyes he said it again... "Well will you?" and I said....."YES! You know I will."

1 comment:

  1. I am still so excited for yall that I wrote on MY blog about it! ha! CONGRATS! LOVE YOU!
