Samantha & Zack

Samantha & Zack

Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.Romans 12:1

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

All because two people fell in love....

The surprise of Baby Allen sorta hit me like a whirlwind! Surprises sometimes rock my world with my type A, OCD, and all the above personality!! I love how God knows exactly how I am because HE made me that way and He looks down and just laughs when I go into my little "freak out" modes!! I know that HE loves surprising me so He can see how I will handle the circumstance and really see if I turn to him when I get anxious!! My life is a minute by minute journey with Him............back to my sweet niece or nephew though........
I just can't believe in a few months I will be an aunt! It is an overwhelming joyful feeling!! Maybe that is why it spun me like a whirlwind.......being an AUNT is such a BIG DEAL!! I am overwhelmed by God's goodness and faithfulness. The title of my blog, "Blessed Beyond Measure", is so true!!!
 All in a matter of six months I will marry my best friend, finally move HOME to a precious house that is in my most favorite place, Wadley, which is surrounded by so many family members and friends (I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am about DECORATING!)!! I can't believe we will officially be OFFICIAL and have OUR first home!!! Not long after returning home from what I know will be an amazing honeymoon, we will have our phones turned up as loud as they will go anticipating the call that it is time to go to the hospital!!! I just can't wait for that phone call!!! I can't imagine what an emotional basket-case I will I am typing this just thinking about it tears are flowing!!!
I am going to be the best Aunt in the whole world!!! I can't wait for this little one to beg Leigh and Matthew to come to "ZB & Honey"'s house!! Yes!!...."Honey"! I announced to the family a few weeks ago that was the name I had decided on for all the babies to come!!! :)  Long story short...I was the nurse for a precious couple on the Labor and Delivery Unit this clinical that gave me the idea and I loved it!! Zack wants to be called "ZB" and I think the two together are just perfect!!! So "ZB and Honey" it is!!!
Well since the announcement that Baby Allen was on the way school has been crazy but I am going to make it my aunt duty to update everyone on my sweet niece or nephew!!! I hope next month we will hopefully find out which it is so I can start calling "it" by its name!!!  BUT for the time being..........

Dear my sweet niece or nephew,
  The past almost 13 weeks have been so surprising, busy and fun! I am overwhelmed with joy and excitement that in just a few months we will be holding you and making sure you have every single thing you need! Your "Honey" is in nursing school at Auburn right now and almost finished with her 3rd semester! I will be a senior in the fall! This semester more than half our studies have been obstetrics so I have answered alot of your Mommy's questions! She makes Honey feel smart and helps me study up on stuff that I don't have answers for. She has started to feel you growing in her tummy and that's making us all excited! This week I met your Mommy at McAlisters for lunch! We talked about you and all the fun toys and more that we can't wait to buy for you! You and your mommy shared a big bowl of soup and a bacon spud! You were hungry and Honey LOVES to see your Mommy eat and not be sick! You have made her a little sick the past 13 weeks but she has been so tough for you and never complains!!! She loves you so much already and tries so hard to eat healthy and yummy foods for you! She has been driving to Auburn almost every Monday through Saturday the past two weeks to work on her Senior Design Project! You Mommy is going to graduate from Auburn on Aug.9 with her civil engineering degree!! She is very smart and has worked hard at college! I know you will be smart like her too! A few weeks ago you got to go on our annual Baggett 4th of July Beach Trip! We had tons of fun!! One funny story from our trip......your Mommy usually feels her best around lunch so we had planned to eat something BIG and yummy one day around that time. Well one day we were on the beach with your Daddy and ZB when we saw a BIG rain cloud coming. Your mommy and I ran off the beach before the boys could stop us and hid in the poolside cafe! We shared a loaded nachos and a delicious grilled chicken sandwich, which I am pretty sure you loved! The boys were stuck in the pouring rain with all of our 10 million items we feel we must take to the beach.
This weekend you are attending a baby shower for our good friends, Adam & Elena and their baby that's going to be just a little older than you, Reese. You two can play together! If you are a Baby Boy Allen she might even be your girlfriend one day!! haha   Adam R. will love me for this! We always have so much fun getting together with this group of friends. You and your Mommy are going to help Honey get ready for the shower Friday night! I can't wait to see you then!!! I love you sweet baby and pray for you daily!
Love always, Honey     1 Samuel 1:27 "For this child I prayed..."

1 comment:

  1. Yay for being an aunt! You can spoil them an send them home! Adam says Reese can't even think about a boyfriend till she is 30!
