Samantha & Zack

Samantha & Zack

Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.Romans 12:1

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Becoming Honey...

Yesterday I officially became Blakely's Honey. 
I am thankful I was able to be there for the birth of my first niece.
Leigh was amazing and those natural motherly instincts kicked right in!!
I am thankful and amazed at God's miracles. 
He not only gives us children but instills in us those emotions and feelings that only a mom can have. Yes, I know I will have no idea until I see my own but I felt that I lived through so many of Leigh's moments yesterday that I will never forget. I am so proud of her being such a "big girl" and stepping right into motherhood like a PRO! She was amazing throughout the day along with a little help and kindness from her sweet hubby. I love Matthew to pieces and am so proud of the husband and daddy he is not even to mention the wonderful friend. 

I will never forget holding my best friend's hand during the first few moments of 
bringing her first baby girl into the world. The flow of joyful tears coming from her face
and mine afterwards were just the beginning of the overwhelming love that we will 
share with this baby girl all the days of her life.

I am excited to brag...
Honey was the first person to hold Blakely after her mommy and daddy!!
We had an instant connection, fell totally in love and are pretty much best friends!!
(if she could talk, she would tell you the same thing) :)
Honey also got to change her first dirty diaper this morning.
The only other people who have changed her diaper 
are her mommy and of course the nursery nurses sorta beat me to it!! :) 
I just wanted to note those two little mile stones in Blakely's life that Honey
was apart of but I promise to not document every little tiny thing I get to do for her.....
okay maybe not EVERY one but probably MOST of them!! :)

The Allen family is doing well and loving every minute of their
sweet new edition to their family!!
We are all very blessed and I give God all the praise and glory for 
so many blessing and of course our miracle, 
January 24, 2010
7:23 pm
7lbs 1ou

1 comment:

  1. Oh I am teary eyed reading all these special moments you are sharing with your friends. Isn't childbirth amazing? God is so amazing! Love you & I am sure Matthew, Leigh & Blakely appreciate all you are doing to help out! I love you so much!
