Samantha & Zack

Samantha & Zack

Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.Romans 12:1

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The girls...

If you know me very well at probably know the fact that I am just NOT a dog lover. I don't really know why. I wasn't raised to be "dog hater" or anything. Not that I hate them at all....I just don't like to touch them, or for them to touch me, I don't like feeding them, or cleaning up after them. I am not your normal girl who goes crazy when she sees them, talks in sweet "baby voices" to them or thinks they are "just SOOOOO cute!" Nope, I just can't help it!! I wish I wasn't this way especially since my "in-laws" treat their dogs like royalty. Thankfully the family knew this about me before I "married in" and they love me anyway.

Zack brought home a dog Christmas of 2006 I believe. A smart beautiful springer spaniel that I named Julianna Katherine Baggett and we called her Katie for short. She was really the only dog I ever loved and I did WAY more for her than I ever dared to for a four-legged friend. She was precious and we were devastated when she went missing  a little over a year ago.
After Katie, Zack talked and talked about getting another dog. I was NOT interested!! 
A few months went by and after one long week at nursing school, I showed up at Zack's house and was surprised a big box of not ONE but TWO springer spaniel puppies. 

I smiled and my heart stopped for a few seconds. I took some deep breaths but my heart melted when I saw Zack love on those puppies. I must also admit.....not many dogs are "cute" to me but springer spaniel puppies are SOOOO CUTE!! 
Instantly I began helping get them all fixed with cute blankets and toys. I gave them their first bath that night and even let them SLEEP with me! 

Love and I plus "the girls" (as the whole family refers to them).....became a family of FOUR! 
Riding in the truck is always FUN! 
Even though now they are on the BACK!!

Our first trip to Lake Martin with the girls!! They were tired after a long day!
My sweatshirt was warm and they LOVE their MOM! 



I must update my pictures because they are big girls now!! That is actually more of what this post is about.....

Zack and I decided that we didn't want "the girls" to be moms so I dropped them off at the vet this morning for their surgery. It broke my heart while we loaded them up this morning and they were so excited........they had no clue what was about to happen. 
I made Zack come to the back of the truck and love on them with me before I left with them so I wouldn't feel like such an awful "mom".

I guess I just didn't think this would be such a big deal for me....maybe I am just emotional about Leigh and Blakely and everything but I felt awful when I left them today. It was like a mother dropping off her kids at the hospital for surgery and saying "bye girls. See ya tomorrow!" Like it is no big thing! 
SO please pray that both our girls surgeries go well and that they don't totally hate me tomorrow and go crazy when I pick them up!! I decided I will not be going alone.....their sweet dad is going to have to take his lunch break to go with me to get them!! 

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