Samantha & Zack

Samantha & Zack

Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.Romans 12:1

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


“Only an Aunt can give hugs like a mother, can keep secrets like a sister, and share love like a friend."

So when Leigh called me yesterday and told me that Blakely's birthday was scheduled for Monday unless she comes before then, my heart filled with emotion!! I honestly can't believe that my very best friend in all the world will be a mom in a few days! She has totally amazed me the past nine months!! She has handled pregnancy like a champ!! I know I will not be as good!! I have warned the family to please not compare us when my time comes! :)

Really though, she has been so strong and taken care of herself and that baby girl!! I didn't expect anything less but she exceeded my expectations!!! It is amazing how God just prepares you and changes you to exactly what you need to be when you need to be it. I have seen Him prepare my best friend for the most important duty in her life - motherhood and I know she is going to be AMAZING at it!! 

Most of you know that Leigh and I have been best friends for many years. We are blessed with a very unique bond. We have made so many fun memories together over the years. I can't wait to share "some" of them with Blakely.
I will never forget the first time we spent the night together. We stayed at Teresa's house. Just imagine a king size bed, me , Leigh, "T" and about 15 dogs!!! We were inseparable after that night. The rest of our high school years we rotated houses each night....LITERALLY! Yep, even during the week we spent the night together pretty much every night. We rotated from mine and T's house on Ashland Ave. to Momma Lynn's on Bailey St. 
Now I guess I will pile in with Leigh, Blakely, Bella and whatever other creatures Leigh allows in her bed on those nights when Moo goes to AL Power call outs! :) 
We spent most of our high school summers in Panama City. We found every excuse to go to the beach!! Riding the strip was a MUST!! It tooks us 3 hours to "get ready" to go ride around in Teresa's tahoe for a couple of hours. Now it takes us about 30 minutes to get ready to go to the beach and an hour to talk us into going back to the room to get ready for dinner!! :) Oh how time changes things!! I can't wait to take Blakely and a group of her friends to the PC! I will buy all the gas for "strip riding"!! 
Teresa always took Leigh swimsuit shopping the first day and bought her a new bikini!! Blakely already has more that 1 bikini for this summer thanks to her Honey and when she is old enough to pick them plastic is READY! :) 
Cheering for the Bulldogs was always FUN and after-game hangouts were the BEST! 
I can't wait to watch her cheer and play sports!! Honey will always have the video camera CHARGED!! 
Leigh and I were also BIG TRAVELERS early on in our life!! We have been to Venezuela, Hawaii, and Las Vegas together not counting all the "road trips" to various places!! 
I can't wait to pack Blakely's suitcases for fun girl trips and more!! 
Leigh and I also were blessed to be roommates through some of our college years!!! Oh what FUN memories!! 
Auburn football games....what else can say....WAR EAGLE!!
I can't wait to teach Blakely how to "get pumped" for game days!!! :)
This was just me reminiscing of some "good ol' times" with my BFF. 
I can count on one hand the number of times that things between me and Leigh haven't been "fun and exciting". If Blakely can learn one important thing from our friendship I hope that she will learn to "LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY and FORGIVE QUICKLY"! 

Leigh, I can't believe that I am going to have to refer to you as "Mama" in just a few days!!! You have AMAZED me the past 9 months as well as throughout our friendship!!! I am thankful God allowed us to be best friends and then officially become sisters!! Thanks for showing me what a true friend is, teaching me how to forgive quickly and most of all how to love unconditionally. I can't wait to make many fun memories with "our" little princess!! I already love her so much!!! I know she is going to be just as sweet, beautiful and FUN as her Mama!!! 

Blakely, I pray that you also will be blessed with a best friend like I have found in your mom. I pray that you can look up to our friendship and that we will set the example for you as what true friends are and what sisters should be. I know I will never be perfect but I hope I never disappoint you and that Honey will be one of your biggest role models. Remember "what happens at Honey's...stays at Honey's........unless we are having TOO MUCH FUN and then.....we are gonna call your MAMA and INVITE HER OVER!! :)" 


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