Samantha & Zack

Samantha & Zack

Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.Romans 12:1

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Just "BABY ME"!!!

So I have always been the "big girl"! Even when I was little I was as stubborn, head-strong, and as independent as I am today but that doesn't mean that I don't have bad days or even weeks when I just have to strip out of those BIG girl panties!!
My parents always handled my hard-headed, independent ways well but always knew when I was having a bad day and quickly came to my rescue by treating me like a 3 year old princess. Yes, they could and did "baby" me at times. 
Well, as you all know, I no longer live with my mama and daddy!! It is just me and Love in this cute little house of ours!
This past weekend....with school stress, two 12 hour shifts and being emotionally drained from my niece's birth.....the big girl panties HAD to come OFF!!
This was the first time they came off during my married life and I am pretty sure Love (Zack) was not sure what in the world was happening to me at first. You see when my big girl panties come off, they are replaced with baggy sweat pants,XL sweatshirts, striped tube socks, my hair in a messy bun, and NO make-up..........yeah i know, it's pretty ridiculous!! Not a kodak moment to say the least!!! Once my "outfit" is on I usually start this uncontrollable crying spell....yes, this is when Love really stared getting scared I think. He has TOTALLY seen this part of me the past 7 years but he has always been able to leave me with my mother and say he would see me later that night or better yet the next day! Well, NOT NOW! He is stuck with me....ALL ALONE!! :)
His first reaction was...."Do you want to talk about something?"
OH GOODNESS...WRONG Question when I don't have my big girl panties on!!!
My reaction..."NO! Does it look like I want to talk about anything!!??"
After about 30 minutes of silence plus my spurts of sobs, I said "I'm sorry. I just really need you to baby me!"
I guess He thought ANYTHING to make this crazy woman who I married okay..... He replied,"Okay, why don't you go get your pillow and a blanket and take a nap on the couch."
I proceeded to do EXACTLY record time I was snoring with my mouth wide open for over an hour in our living room!......really attractive new bride right???? :)
I woke up to a clean house, clothes washed (he even stripped the bed and washed our sheets), and Love putting on his boots....He informed me that I had snored louder than he had ever heard me snore in my life and was headed to the grocery store because he was going to cook dinner!! Since he said he was cooking, I ignored the whole snoring comment!

So I know this post was maybe a little more than some of you knew or wanted to know about me and my "crazy spells" but I had to brag on my sweet hubby and say HE DID IT! HE SURVIVED me taking off my big girl panties for the first time in our marriage!! At least I waited until after our 1 month anniversary.........However, I am sure it will not be the last.........

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