Samantha & Zack

Samantha & Zack

Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.Romans 12:1

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

No control...just life

so this could be a little longer post than normal...
I hit the ground running with school stuff as soon as I returned from the beach.
We got home Monday. I spend the day washing what seemed as a never ending pile of laundry and then had my first day of clinicals with April on Wednesday.
I really debated on if I was going to "share/blog" about the following but I know in my heart everything happens for a reason and if we don't live life together and share our happy as well as our hard times....
how can we ever learn from each other......
When I returned home from the beach I found a small "place" in my left breast
while doing my self-breast exam. Being a nurse, having friends with breast cancer and a little family history of the big C word...I am pretty consistent with my self-exams but still thought maybe I was just paranoid. My sweet friend April (Nurse Practitioner) and then my precious Dr.Rehburg(OB-GYN) confirmed for me last week that I was not crazy and got the ball rolling to take care of me.
Since last Wednesday I have had a ultrasound and mammogram and as of today waiting for UAB to call me with my MRI appointment.
We are praying that it is just a bigger cysts than normal and maybe we won't have to "do anything" but either way I know God is in control and I in my own strength am nothing and can not handle anything without Him BUT WITH HIM I have EVERYTHING I NEED! 

I tell you my little "bump in the road" because I usually only blog about all the HAPPY, EXCITING and "perfect" things going on in my little bitty world....
However, my world is FAR from perfect just like yours!
Life, sadness, hurt and even cancer doesn't discriminate. 
We are either going through a valley or on a mountain waiting to fall into one...
Sometimes life isn't easy.
Things can change in a matter of milliseconds...
HE is the same yesterday, today and forever.
If you have never given your whole heart to Him....this moment is the perfect moment!
He loves you more than our human minds can fathom and His love never gives up.
You are PRECIOUS to Him!

Please pray for me as I continue to figure all this out....
I can't even get down all the thoughts I have had...
Am I nervous, scared...why, yes. 
Truly though I have a solid peace about it that I know only God has given me.
I think about my sweet friends who have actually been diagnosed with cancer. 
I can't imagine how that felt....
When something goes on in your own body that you have absolutely no control over....
it kinda makes you crazy.
That is the BEAUTY in it though.....(as crazy as that sounds)
Really if you honestly think about it you DON'T have CONTROL over anything in this life because it is not yours....IT IS HIS!
Give it to him today....
whatever life has given you today...
whether it is HAPPY, EXCITING, SAD, CANCER or WHATEVER you are going through...
just GIVE IT TO HIM...

I love you all and am very blessed....every little thing is going to be alright! 
Don't worry...just pray :) 

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